
Generic replacement for Motorcycle Bmw 0-140 Kph fits in R69S,R25,R26,R50/2,R60/2 ??

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Generic replacement for Motorcycle Bmw 0-140 Kph fits in R69S,R25,R26,R50/2,R60/2 ??

SKU YiB.00295 ?RSV-B019E2NMQI-01438 Category Tags , ,

Motorcycle Parts Bmw Replica 0-140 Kph R69S,R25,R26,R50/2,R60/2 Product Description
R1200C – Gauge Bracket, Clock Tachometer mount This unique bracket will allow you to use BMW Clock and Tachometer for your R1200C. The bracket is tightly mounted next to your for easy viewing and adds symetry to the instrument cluster. The bracket also allows space for using windshields. Requires the following BMW parts: 62-13-2-306-612 Tachometer; 62-13-2-306-585 Clock; 61-12-2-306-579 Tach Harness; 61-12-2-306-580 Clock Harness; 62-13-2-306-582 Black Ring Housing

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