
Applies to Honda FJS 600 400 FSC600 Honda motorcycle rectifier voltage regulator

Product categories

Applies to Honda FJS 600 400 FSC600 Honda motorcycle rectifier voltage regulator

Model??Multiple types
Applicable models??Multiple types
Applicable models??Multiple types
Matching relationship??Be applicable
Product Box weight??466/g
Category: Three-phase full-wave rectifier
The output voltage??14.5+??0.5V
Be applicable for??
2025.11/ 065/SKU336483/
Regulator/Rectifier Honda FJS600 All Models 2002-2005
Honda FJS 400 Silverwing 2006-2009
Honda FJS 600 1/2/D3/D4/D5/D6 Silverwing(Non ABS 256mm front disc) 2001-2006
Honda FJS 600 A3-A7/D7 Silverwing(ABS Model 276mm front disc) 2003-2009
Honda FSC600 2002-2013

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