
41301-1601 Dark Smoke Dual Radius GP Windscreen

Product categories

41301-1601 Dark Smoke Dual Radius GP Windscreen

SKU DFBL.00253 41301-1601 Category Tags , ,

Package Dimensions: 16 L x 6 H x 16 W (inches)
Package Weight : 1 pounds
Country of Origin : United States
Compatible with vehicle type: street-sport-motorcycles
Product Description
Color: Tinted
Marketing Color: Dark Smoke
Primary Color: Tinted
High-grade, high-tech, impact-modified acrylic windscreens at an economical price.
Impact-modified acrylic combines impact resistance of polycarbonate with scratch resistance of acrylic.
Super-flexible and super tough for shape-maintaining memory.
Pressure formed for a clean fit.
Super Sport windscreens offer OEM contours.
Grandprix windscreens offer exclusive Raised-Radius profile for riders serious about speed.
Install on stock mounting points.
This item fits the following vehicle applications:
for Honda CBR600RR 2013-2019
for Honda CBR600RR ABS 2013-2019

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